
What is the HACAdemy ?

HACAdemy is a dynamic learning initiative designed to combine the sound expertise (Regulatory & Compliance, External Audit, Consulting, Internal Audit, Risk Management) within HACA Partners and direct it into comprehensive training sessions. At HACA Partners, we believe in the power of learning from within, leveraging the substantial expertise our facilitators bring to the table.

HACAdemy offers a diverse range of training modules covering various topics and tailored to meet the evolving needs of the market. It is more than just a training program; it's a community-driven initiative that fosters continuous learning, collaboration, and growth. The HACAdemy's objective is to support HACA Partners' clients and other business partners to develop strong skills and competencies required in a dynamic business world.

Why to choose HACAdemy ?

  •  Pragmatic approach, focusing on practical applications and real-world situations: we strive to deliver a training in a way that requires the people to immediately apply new concepts
  •  Interactive facilitation style: our facilitators are actively engaged in the learning process, ready to answer questions and provide guidance at every step

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Training catalogue

Training Objectives

As required by Article 46 of the CSSF Regulation 12-02, as amended and by Article 4(2) of the Law of November 12th, 2004 on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, professionals are required to participate to special ongoing training programs to be informed of new developments, including information on techniques, methods and trends in money laundering and terrorist financing.

The aim of the AML/CTF Training is to help professionals to recognize operations which may be related to money laundering or terrorist financing and to instruct them as to how to proceed in such cases.


• AML/CTF key concepts.

• AML/CTF regulatory framework.

• AML/CTF applicable sanctions.

• Risk-based approach.

• AML/CTF main obligations.

• ML/TF Risk Assessment.

• Customer Due Diligences.

• Internal organization.

• Cooperation with the authorities.

Main Facilitators

Cédric Leroy


Stéphanie Castryck


Camille Salagnac

Senior Manager

Quentin Lambecq

Senior Manager


  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    16/10/2024 (10:00-12:00)
    17/12/2024 (14:00-16:00)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 180 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• Understand regulatory requirements: legal obligations, regulatory expectations (CSSF circular 18/698, 14/592, 12/552, MiFID II, GDPR, etc...) and industry standards.

• Implement robust delegation processes: documenting, assessing and approving delegated tasks in accordance with regulatory requirements, including due diligence and risk assessment measures.

• Address regulatory risks in delegation: identify and mitigate risks (conflict of interest, data protection, regulatory non-compliance).

• Conduct periodic compliance reviews and assessments of delegated functions.

• Stay updated on regulatory developments.


• Understanding regulatory requirements (Introduction to delegation in Luxembourg, overview of key regulatory authorities and frameworks, legal obligations…).

• Identifying delegable tasks.

• Implementing robust delegation processes (Documenting, assessing, and approving delegated tasks, due diligence and risk assessment, best practices for Compliance).

• Ensuring accountability and oversight

• Addressing regulatory risks

• Conducting Compliance reviews

• Staying updated on regulatory developments

Main Facilitators

Stéphanie Castryck


Kirtana Bhoojedhur

Senior Manager

Hélène Fischer

Senior Manager

Raquel Tchaptchet

Senior Manager


Language: English


12/11/2024 (13:30-17:30)


20/05/2025 (09:00-13:00)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 720 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To understand the current AML/CFT Tax framework in the collective investment sector industry including the aspects linked to the investors, investments, management companies/AIFM and tax reporting methodically.

• To inform on the CSSF Circular 17/650 and CSSF Circular 20/744.

• To present the iteration of the AML/CFT tax risk assessment and their interactions with the control plan.

• To develop a critical mindset with respect to tax aspects linked to the collective investment sector.


• Overview of the AML/CFT Tax compliance and the internal controls interactions with control functions.

• Regulator requirements in terms of risk assessment.

• Presentation of the main components of senior management role, responsibilities and interactions with the different stakeholders.

• A brief presentation of practical examples of a AML/CFT tax risk assessment.

• Comprehensive overview of the indicators listed in the CSSF Circular 17/650 and CSSF Circular 20/744.

Main Facilitators

Cédric Leroy


Stéphanie Castryck



  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    5/11/2024 (09:00-11:00)
    12/03/2025 (10:00-12:00)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: EUR 360 per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To understand the main provisions of the CSSF circular 22/806.

• To identify the key changes introduced by the new circular compared to the existing regulatory framework.

• To distinguish between outsourcing arrangements and third-party services.

• To assess the criticality of outsourcing arrangements.

• To understand the regulatory and practical implications of preparing CSSF notifications related to future outsourcing projects.


• Introduction to outsourcing regulation.

• Evolution of regulatory landscape.

• Outsourcing drivers and benefits.

• Types of outsourcing arrangements.

• Identifying outsourcing arrangements.

• Assessing the criticality.

• Outsourcing governance.

• Roles and responsibilities.

• The outsourcing policy.

• The outsourcing register.

• Contractual arrangements.

• Interacting with the regulator.

• Stages of the outsourcing lifecycle.

• ICT outsourcing and cloud computing.

• Definitions, roles and responsibilities.

• Cloud specific risks and limitations.

Main Facilitators

Camille Salagnac

Senior Manager

Vincent Kraske


Younia Mlanao


François Barret

Senior Manager


Language: English


7/11/2024 (13:30-17:30)


8/04/2025 (09:00-13:00)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 720 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To define the roles and responsibilities of the compliance function within the internal control framework according to regulatory framework and market practice

• To understand the interactions of the Compliance Function with other functions, the senior management and the management body.

• To understand the main regulatory topics and areas with a focus on key controls.

• To present the iteration of the compliance risk assessment and the compliance monitoring plan and their interactions.

• A walkthrough on compliance monitoring tools and methodology.


• Overview of the internal governance framework and the internal controls interaction with control.

• Regulator requirements in terms of authorisation process.

• Main components of the role, responsibilities and interactions with the different stakeholders.

• A brief presentation of practical examples of the compliance risk assessment and compliance monitoring plan and related methodology.

• The main regulatory topics covered by the function with examples of key controls to be implemented.

• Overview of the main regulatory and prudential requirements (remunerations, reporting to the CSSF, etc...).

Main Facilitators

Cédric Leroy


Kirtana Bhoojedhur

Senior Manager

Hélène Fischer

Senior Manager

Geoffrey Barré



Language: English


10/10/2024 (10:00-12:00)


12/02/2025 (09:00-11:00)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 360 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To understand the challenges of EMIR (data processed, data flows, etc.).

• To understand the differences/commonalities of these reports.

• To understand the type of controls required to ensure that regulatory obligations are met.

• To examine the complexity of the data to be aggregated.

• To have an overview of the future reporting, evolutions of current reporting.


• The definition of the EMIR Regulation and what is it for.

• Requirements of the EMIR regulation for Financial Institution and especially management companies and AIFMs.

• Definition of the counterparty risk related to OTC derivatives.

• Focus on the collateral exchange obligation.

• Normative framework.

• EMIR (why EMIR, regulatory obligations, EMIR reporting).

• Possible controls for EMIR reporting.

Main Facilitators

Cédric Leroy


Julian Nikolla



Language: English


1/10/2024 (09:30-11:30)


17/04/2025 (13:30-15:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 360 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives:

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes provisions on staff awareness and accountability. The objective of this training is to provide professionals with an understanding of the critical GDPR requirements. After taking the GDPR training, the participants should also be able to make sound business judgement as regards to personal data processing.

This course aims to provide non-technical staff with a complete foundation on the principles, roles, responsibilities and processes under the GDPR, reducing your organisation's risk of non-compliance.


• Regulatory framework.

• Key definitions.

• Key principles.

• Key actors and their roles.

• The data subjects’ rights.

• The data controller’s and processor’s responsibilities.

• The register of processing activities.

• The concepts of data protection by design and by default.

• The definition of a data breach and the actions that need to be taken in case of a data breach.

• Liabilities and sanctions.

• Examples of sanctions by the different national supervisory authorities.

Main Facilitators

Cédric Leroy


Laurence Ponchaut

Senior Manager

Camille Salagnac

Senior Manager

François Barret

Senior Manager


  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    20/11/2024 (14:00-16:00)
    14/01/2024 (14:00-16:00)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 360 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To present the roles and responsibilities of the different control (Internal Audit, Compliance, Risk Management), business (Portfolio Management, Marketing, Fund administration) and support functions (finance, IT, HR,...) within the internal control framework according to regulatory framework but also according to market practice.

• To explain and understand the interactions between business and control functions with the senior management and the management body.

• To understand the main regulatory topics and areas with a focus on key controls.

• To present the iteration of the governance aspects and their interactions.

• A walkthrough on the governance tools and methodology.


• Overview of the internal governance framework and the internal controls interactions with control.

• Regulator requirements in terms of authorisation process.

• Main components of senior management role, responsibilities and interactions with the different stakeholders.

• Practical examples of control functions tool.

• The main regulatory topics covered by the function with example of key controls to be implemented.

• CSSF Organisation.

• Overview of the main regulatory and prudential requirements (remunerations, reporting to the CSSF, etc...).

Main Facilitators

Cédric Leroy


Kirtana Bhoojedhur

Senior Manager

Hélène Fischer

Senior Manager

Vincent Kraske



  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    13/11/2024 (13:30-17:30)
    4/03/2025 (13:30-17:30)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 720 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives:

This training aims to provide the professionals with an understanding of:

• The Market Abuse regulation (MAR).

• The threats faced by regulated entities.

• The internal control framework to be implemented.

• Understand the MAR rules, risks and sanctions.


• Regulatory framework.

• Key concepts: Inside Information/Insider Dealing/Market Manipulation.

• Market Abuse internal control framework (including the personal transactions).

• Market Abuse suspicious transaction and order reporting (STOR) and obligation to report.

• CSSF supervision.

Main Facilitators

Camille Salagnac

Senior Manager

Vincent Kraske


Naïm Bouakline

Senior Manager

Quentin Lambecq

Senior Manager


  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    22/10/2024 (11:00-12:00)
    11/03/2025 (14:00-15:00)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 180 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

To gain insights into the reconciliation of share classes, essential for navigating complex investment scenarios.


• Introduction and the Notions.

• Key Concepts & Definitions.

• Regulation & Legal Documentation.

• Performance Fees.

• Carried Interest.

• Reconciliation of shares classes.

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Pierre-Jean Lacroix

Senior Manager


Language: English


3/12/2024 (13:30-15:30)


22/05/2025 (09:30-11:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 390 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To get an overview of the main functions to know on Bloomberg to look for information on a CLO as well as a details understanding on the Bloomberg Stratification Builder.

• To understand a detailed Bloomberg download matrice to obtain information on CLOs and perform dedicated analyses on the latter.

• To understand of the ex-ante / pre-trade controls to be performed by IFMs before investing in a CLO.

• To have an overview of the controls to put in place to monitor the different types of risk an investment fund face or may face when holding CLOs in portfolio.

• To analyze examples to monitor the risk based on market practices.

• To learn sustainability risk monitoring for CLO Funds.


• Definition of a CLO.

• Understanding the typical structure of a CLO.

• The lifecycle of a CLO.

• Main stakeholders in a CLO.

• Bloomberg’s data and matrices for CLOs.

• Pre-trade controls to be performed before investing in a CLO.

• Ongoing risk monitoring of CLO Funds.

• Deep dive - sustainability risk model for CLO to meet the regulatory requirements and ESG considerations.

Main Facilitators

Julian Nikolla


Pierre-Jean Lacroix

Senior Manager


  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    24/09/2024 (13:30-17:30)
    6/03/2025 (13:30-17:30)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 720 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To understand the roles and responsibilities of the permanent risk management function.

• To have a comprehensive understanding of the interactions of the risk management function with other functions, senior management and management bodies of IFMs.

• To identify the main risks their funds face or may face and to establish consequently risk matrices / risk profiles in accordance with the best market practices.

• To set-up appropriate controls to identify, assess and monitor the main types of risk under each risk category.

• To get a pragmatic view on the best market practices to monitor the risks.


• Regulatory framework (Local & European).

• Organization of the permanent Risk Management function of IFMs.

• Roles and responsibilities of the permanent Risk Management function.

• Establishment of the risk profiles / risk matrices of investment funds with concrete examples based on current best market practices in Luxembourg.

• Identification of main types of risk within each risk category.

• Control framework to properly identify, assess and monitor the risks.

• Deep dive on the liquidity risk and liquidity stress-testing ("LST"), regulator's expectation.

• Reporting to the Senior Management, Board Members and Regulator.

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Julian Nikolla


Pierre-Jean Lacroix

Senior Manager


Language: English


8/10/2024 (09:00-16:00)


3/04/2025 (09:00-16:00)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 750 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To get an overview of the European and local regulatory framework that applies to IFMs.

• To understand the roles and responsibilities of the IFMs and its permanent Risk Management function.

• To identify the different types of liquidity risks that open-ended or closed-ended UCITS/AIFs may face considering their investment strategies.

• To present methodologies and examples of controls to be designed and implemented to assess and monitor the different types of liquidity risk with tangible examples.

• To present the minimum content of liquidity risk management policy to meet the regulatory requirements.


• Definition of the liquidity risk.

• Regulatory framework that applies to IFMs in relation with liquidity risk and liquidity stress-testing ("LST").

• Identification of the main types of liquidity risk that open-ended and closed-ended UCITS/AIFs face or may face.

• Establishment of the control framework to assess and monitor the liquidity risks with concrete examples, based on current best market practices, Liquidity stress-testing consideration and methodologies.

• Design of a liquidity risk management policy (including liquidity stress-testing policy) meeting the regulatory requirements from ESMA and CSSF.

• Risk reporting.

Main Facilitators

Julian Nikolla


Pierre-Jean Lacroix

Senior Manager


Language: English


29/10/2024 (09:30-13:30)


10/04/2025 (13:30-17:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 475 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• Overview of the ICAAP/ICARA governance framework.

• Overview of the main regulatory and prudential requirements.

• CRR II, Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.

• Comprehensive overview of EBA guidelines of ICAAP process and current supervisory developments.

• Overview SREP expectations of ICAAP process.

• To present the main components of ICAAP/ICARA.

• Pillar 2 Concept and approaches, and its relativity to Pillar 1 Methodology.

• To present and analyze practical examples of ICAAP/ ICARA tools.

• ICAAP/ ICARA Reporting Process.


• ICAAP / ICARA definition.

• Difference Pillar 1 and Pillar 2.

• How to project Pillar 1 risks.

• How to identify and measure Pillar 2 risks.

• Links between ICAAP / ICARA, the risk appetite, the capital recovery framework.

Main Facilitators

Julian Nikolla


Naïm Bouakline

Senior Manager

Nadine Khoder

Senior Manager

Alma Dizdarević



Language: English


14/11/2024 (13:30-17:30)


9/04/2025 (09:30-13:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 720 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To have a good understanding of the capital structure of the bank in view of different type of risks.

• To improve awareness on Related Regulatory Requirements and Basel concept related to Capital Requirements.

• To have a comprehensive overview of Capital Measurement: Pillar 1 (Capital structure, Capital Adequacy Ratios, Capital Risk Exposures).

• Overview of the methodology of Pillar 1 capital charges: concept, measurements and reporting.

• Methodology of Pillar 2: concept, measurements and reporting.


• Regulatory framework (CRR, CRR2, IFR).

• Pillar 1 risks.

• Pillar 2 risks.

• Reporting requirements.

Main Facilitators

Julian Nikolla


Nadine Khoder

Senior Manager


Language: English


30/10/2024 (09:30-13:30)


14/05/2025 (13:30-17:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 720 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To dive deep into the core principles and techniques of valuation.

• To gain practical insights into applying the knowledge effectively.

• To learn how to identify common valuation errors and red flags, essential for safeguarding accuracy and integrity in financial assessments.


• IFM Governance – Valuation

• Valuation techniques

• Key principles in valuation

• Principal valuation methodologies

• Market approach

• Income approach

• Asset-based approach

• Application of discounts and premiums

• Common valuation errors and red flags

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Julian Nikolla


Pierre-Jean Lacroix

Senior Manager


Language: English


6/11/2024 (09:30-11:30)


19/05/2025 (13:30-15:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 390 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To learn the fundamentals of sustainable finance and “ESG”.

• To have an overview of the Key Principles of SFDR Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.

• To understand the Key Principles of Taxonomy Regulation (EU) 2020/852.

• To understand the Key Principles of Benchmark Regulations (EU) 2020/1816, 2020/1817, 2020/1818.

• To identify and define related concepts.

• To get an overview of the recent developments and updates of the regulatory aspects.


• EU Sustainable finance legal framework origins and purpose (SFDR, CSRD and Taxonomy).

• Regulatory framework: SFDR and implications on current Directives.

• Key concepts.

• Roles & responsibilities.

• Taxonomy global analysis.

• CSRD overview.

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Clarisse Ivañez-Biessy

Manager - ESG Expert


Language: English


19/09/2024 (09:00-13:00)


11/02/2025 (13:30-17:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 720 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To do a recap on the current ESG legal framework applicable to Investment firms.

• To understand the mandatory ESG requirements for key functions at Investment firms.

• To gain insights and best practices on how to implement the requirements.


• Sustainable finance EU legal framework origins and purpose (Green Deal).

• CSSF supervision priorities and actions.

• Organisational arrangement.

• Risk Management.

• Sustainability preferences.

• Product governance.

• Suitability assessment.

• Oversight of delegates.

• Mandatory disclosure.

• Based on SFDR, MIFID II, Taxonomy, ESMA guidelines.

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Clarisse Ivañez-Biessy

Manager - ESG Expert


Language: English


26/11/2024 (13:30-17:30)


20/02/2025 (09:00-13:00)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 720 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To present the roles and responsibilities of the Réviseur d'Entreprises and the regulatory requirements associated with it.

• To understand the methodology for developing a risk-based audit plan.

• To gain insights into industry standards, and best practices relevant to external auditing.

• To understand main CSSF Circulars related to the funds industry.


• Role & responsibilities of the Réviseur d'Entreprises.

• Understanding the audit methodology and risk approach.

• Understanding the outcome of CSSF Circular 02/77.

• Protection of investors in case of NAV calculation error.

• Understanding the outcome of CSSF Circular 21/788 Guidelines for the Collective Investment Sector.

• Understanding the outcome of CSSF Circular 21/789.

• Understanding the outcome of CSSF Circular 21/790.

• Understanding the purpose of ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3402.

Main Facilitators

Cyril Cayez

Managing Partner

François Maréchal


Laroussi Béji

Senior Manager

Eysheeta Mungur



Language: English


20/09/2024 (09:00-12:00)


21/01/2025 (13:30-16:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 525 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To present the roles and responsibilities of the internal audit function and the regulatory requirements associated with it.

• To understand the methodology for developing a risk-based audit plan.

• To gain insights into industry standards, and best practices relevant to internal auditing.

• To conduct a walkthrough on a sample of audit programs established for key audit units.


• Role & responsibilities of the Internal Audit function as outlined in CSSF circular 18/698.

• Establishment of the Internal audit charter.

• Methodology for implementing the Internal Audit Strategic Plan : defining the audit universe, conducting risk assessments, applying scoring approach, addressing regulatory requirements etc.

• Reviewing an example of an Internal audit strategic plan of an AIFM.

• CSSF highlights and attention points.

• Deep dive into a sample of key audit units: reviewing the audit program and the corresponding regulatory requirements.

• Establishment of the Internal Audit Summary Report.

Main Facilitators

Vincent Kraske


Jasmin Jochum

Senior Manager


Language: English


7/10/2024 (09:00-18:00)


18/03/2025 (09:00-18:00)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 800 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To present the roles and responsibilities of the internal audit function and the regulatory requirements associated with it.

• To understand the methodology for developing a risk-based audit plan.

• To gain insights into industry standards, and best practices relevant to internal auditing.

• To conduct a walkthrough on a sample of audit programs established for key audit units.


• Role & responsibilities of the Internal Audit function as outlined in CSSF circular 12/552 as amended.

• Establishment of the Internal audit charter.

• Methodology for implementing the Internal Audit Strategic Plan: defining the audit universe, conducting risk assessments, applying scoring approach, addressing regulatory requirements etc.

• Reviewing an example of an Internal audit strategic plan of a Banking institution.

• CSSF highlights and attention points.

• Deep dive into a sample of key audit units: reviewing the audit program and the corresponding regulatory requirements.

• Establishment of the Internal Audit Summary Report.

Main Facilitators

Vincent Kraske


Jasmin Jochum

Senior Manager

Quentin Lambecq

Senior Manager


Language: English


9/10/2024 (09:00-18:00)


19/02/2025 (09:00-18:00)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 800 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To present the basis of the accounting.

• To understand the structure of the FS.

• To understand the difference between the FS of different type of company.


• Basis of accounting - Creation of company, day to day activities for different types of companies.

• Accounting principles.

• Rules of accounting and annual accounts.

• Process of establishing annual accounts.

• Annual accounts and different stakeholders.

• Annual accounts and listed companies.

• Annual accounts and "Reviseur d'entreprises agrées“.

Main Facilitators

François Maréchal


Kirtana Bhoojedhur

Senior Manager

Eysheeta Mungur


Urmila Mutty



Language: English


20/11/2024 (09:00-11:00)


26/02/2025 (13:30-15:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 350 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

Training Objectives

• To understand what a consolidation is and when it has to be performed.

• To explain the term “control” and identify whether it exists or not in various business combinations.

• To prepare consolidated accounts for a basic group of companies with goodwill, fair value adjustments, non-controlling interest, and other consolidation adjustments.


• Introduction to consolidated financial statements (with key definitions).

• Consolidation principle and methods.

• Process of consolidation.

• Elimination of intercompany balance.

• Elimination of investments.

• Non-controlling interest.

• Goodwill.

• Foreign currency translation of financial statements.

• Differed tax.

• Fair value adjustment.

• Presentation and content of financial statements.

Main Facilitators

Ibra Ndiaye


Sélim Bastepe

Senior Manager

Arthur Monlandjo

Senior Manager


Language: English


11-12/12/2024 (09:00-17:30)

Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid

Price: 950 EUR per participant 

Certification: Training Completion Certificate

  • DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) sets out uniform requirements for the security of network and information systems of companies and organizations operating in the financial sector as well as critical third parties which provide ICT services to them.

• This course aims to provide non-technical staff with a complete foundation on the principles, roles, responsibilities and processes under the DORA, reducing organization's risk of non-compliance.


• Context.

• Related Legislations.

• Fines.

• What is DORA?

• Pillar 1: ICT Risk Management.

• Pillar 2: ICT Incident Management.

• Pillar 3: Digital Operational Resilience Testing.

• Pillar 4: Managing of ICT third-party risk.

• Pillar 5: Information-sharing arrangements.

• Next steps.

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Benjamin Clerc


Pauline Kueviakoe

Senior Consultant


  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    26/09/2024 (09:00-11:00)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 360 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

• Comprehensive Overview DORA Chapter II and Chapter III.

• Comprehensive overview of RTS/ITS (Regulatory/Implementing Technical Standards) or Joint Guidelines:

- specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT-related incidents and cyber threats, setting out materiality thresholds and specifying the details of reports of major incidents (2024/1772).

- specifying ICT risk management tools, methods, processes, and policies and the simplified ICT risk management framework (2024/1774).

- on the content of the notification and reports for major incidents and significant cyber threats and determining the


• Risk Management:

- Framework.

- Critical and Important Functions.

- Strategies, policies, procedures, protocols, and controls.

- IT Asset Management.

- Monitoring etc.

• Incident Management:

- Classification, Thresholds.

- Timeline.

- Reporting.

- Recurring Incidents.

- Aggregated Costs & Losses etc.

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Benjamin Clerc


Pauline Kueviakoe

Senior Consultant


  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    24/10/2024 (14:00-17:00)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 540 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate

• Comprehensive Overview DORA Chapter IV and Chapter V.

• Comprehensive overview of RTS/ITS (Regulatory/Implementing Technical Standards):

- specifying the detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (2024/1773).

- on the standard templates for the purposes of the register of information in relation to all contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services provided by ICT third-party service providers.

- to specify the elements which a financial entity needs to determine and assess when subcontracting ICT services supporting critical or important functions etc.


• Digital Operational Resilience Testing:

- Program.

- Types etc.

• Managing of ICT 3rd Party Risk:

- ≠ Outsourcing.

- Standard Contractual Clauses.

- Due Diligence.

- Risk Assessment.

- Sub-Contracting.

- Register of Information etc.

Main Facilitators

Geoffrey Barré


Benjamin Clerc


Pauline Kueviakoe

Senior Consultant


  • Language: English
  • Date: 
    21/11/2024 (09:00-12:00)
  • Location: HACA Partners premises/Hybrid
  • Price: 540 EUR per participant
  • Certification: Training Completion Certificate